Kitchen Tips


  1. Problems storing milk? Try this!

    Add salt to milk to keep it past its expiration date.
    A pinch of salt in a gallon will do it. The salt slows the rate of bacteria growth.

  2. Tomatoes when stored for a longer period tend to go over-ripe and soft.

    Dip them in cold water, add some salt and leave overnight. They will be fresh and firm the next day.

  3. Now stop shedding tears while chopping onions!

    Firstly dip the onions in salted water prior to cutting them. The second is to chill them first, which will reduce the sulphuric compounds that cause teary eyes.

  4. simple and effective remedy for that nasty cough!

    Soak a sliced onion in honey and keep it overnight. The next day strain and discard the onion. Then dilute the honey with enough lime juice to reach the consistency of cough syrup.

    Take a tablespoonful at two hour intervals all day until the cough subsides.

  5. Did you ever think putting bananas in the fridge makes them inedible?
    This is a myth.

    The skin will darken, but refrigeration slows the ripening of bananas the same as it does other fruits.

  6. Here's a kitchen secret-

    Are you facing a problem chopping herbs evenly?
    When chopping herbs, toss a little salt onto the cutting board; it will keep the herbs from flying around.

  7. Want to get the most out of spaghetti?

    Whenever you cook pasta, remove some of the water (about 1/4 or 1/3 cup) just before draining. When you add the sauce to the pasta, add a little of the cooked water.

    This helps to make the sauce more creamy!

  8. A baking secret for all you cake lovers!

    Leave the butter and eggs at room temperature overnight and your cakes and bread won’t become dry, flat or tough.

  9. Are you facing a problem with less-than-zesty herbs and spices!

    Store spices in a cool, dark place, not above your stove. Humidity, light, and heat will cause herbs and spices to lose their flavor!

  10. Vitamin A is known to prevent night blindness and carrots are loaded with Vitamin A. One carrot provides more than 200% of the recommended daily intake of this Vitamin.

    So, a carrot a day gets you your Vitamin A!
